Cincinnati, OH 45223
"FIRE...An Immersive Installation"
June 17 - August 12, 2017
PRESS: "PAR-Projects has above-par art events" by Steve Rosen. CityBeat. (July 26, 2017)
1. Tattooed Trees in Autumn Park, 2004/2017. acrylic, marker on photomural on styrofoam. 9x12ft.
2. Ember Generator, 2004/2017. mylar, wood, fan. 72 x 72in.
3. Smoke Cloud Daydreams, 2017. acrylic, graphite on foamcore. 8 x 11ft.
4. Fake Fire, Fake Tree, 2017. vintage aluminum, wood, plastic tree & cardboard. 4 x 6 x 5ft.
5. In the Corner of the Woods, 2017. mixed-media thunderstorm audio. 84 x 144in.
6. Fire Sticks, 2017. acrylic, marker on paper on pvc sheet. 42 x 84in.
7. Flicker,2017. digital print on pvc sheet. 48 x 96in.
8. Surf's Up, 2017. latex, acrylic spray paint, resin on board. 36 x 84in.